Jul 1, 2009

Home of the Free

Let's be honest... The United States of America has been a pillar of democracy since its inception over two hundred years ago. Countless men and women died to establish this country and its values while more continue to die in its protection. Regardless of sex, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation its citizens are granted equal unalienable rights. But overlooked are these immeasurable sacrifices and Constitutional liberties by those nationals who find comfort in romanticizing the governments of other countries while criticizing their own using information they loosely gather from Twitter updates and their local neighborhood conspiracy-blogger barista.

It is safe to say that a healthy majority of these people have never left the sanctuary of their air-conditioned Urban Outfitters to step foot on a battlefield or be stationed halfway across the world years on end far away from their friends and families. They glamorize countries that have never gone to war or have higher rates of literacy. They blame problems, ones they do not personally face nor fully understand outside of Fox News soundbites, on one political party or another different from their own. They lament how other countries, never bothering to specifically mention an example, are somehow above these domestic issues without actually knowing the logistics of the countries' politics let alone are able to name their respective heads of state.

It begs the question, "When did it become cool to despise the country to which you were born?" Is the grass really that much greener or is ignorance merely bliss?

Honest criticism is an attribute so important that our forefathers found it crucial to protect it under federal law as a basic right; without it we would remain stagnant, sheltered, and blinded (Ed: and this blog would sincerely suck ass.) An honest voice should be a welcomed guest to every occasion, good or bad. But where is this sense of honesty in a person with such strong negative opinions based on such minimal, if not also misunderstood, information? Is it really that much easier to tune out, give up, and tell people you can't wait to get back to Europe where people really know how to live?

Look, every country, including the one in which you were raised, is flawed but it's the only one you have. Accept it and treat it as you would a family member. Just stop joining the club, drinking the Kool-Aid, and wearing your free "Nader '12" t-shirt when you couldn't even name a president past Bush that isn't featured on currency. Show a touch of respect, hell, maybe even some pride, for the people and the home which have allowed you to be free to open your mouth long enough to be the clueless dick that you are. Don't worry, either; your friends know who you are and have long ago uninvited you to their bbqs and firework displays. But hey, you were probably too busy making plans for Bastille Day, anyway.

Happy Fourth of July from HONEST NOTES. God bless America.


  1. Word. America for Americans. As cliche as it sounds, love it or leave it.

  2. Don't you mean love it until you can't get into medical school and then leave it?

  3. It's all fun and games until someone posts anonymously.

  4. To "Anonymous,"

    Your claim of having an original idea might have been less likely to fall on deaf ears had it not been a complete riffing of my previous statement. Now you just look retarded.


